Work With Me (and Announcing My New Course)

Hannah Frankman
4 min readAug 24, 2021


I make my living teaching courses on the internet and coaching people 1–1.

I would love to help you:

  1. Make more money (and with it, more freedom)
  2. Build more competence in your career (and with it, more freedom)

Over the past 4 years, I’ve coached over 300 people — solopreneurs, startup employees, 6-figure copywriters, VC-backed founders, sales professionals, writers, podcasters, and YouTubers.

I’ve helped them set (and crush) professional goals, successfully navigate career transitions, win major promotions, double (or triple, or quadruple) their income, and obliterate the mental and emotional blocks standing in their way. (Let’s be honest, even the best of us have a lot of that last thing).

I’ve also taught courses helping people improve their writing, level up their career skills, and learn to become opportunity-identifying masters.

This fall, I have two different ways you can work with me:

  1. A live course for solopreneurs and content creators
  2. 1–1 coaching (I have 3 seats opening up this fall, if you’d like dibs)

How to Find and Own a Niche on the Internet: Live Course

Over the past four years of coaching and teaching, my favorite topic has always been leveraging the internet.

How do you find a niche? How do you attract an audience in that niche and build credibility? How do you use that credibility to land opportunities?

In this course (run as a series of Zoom workshops), I’ll be distilling everything I know into a 4-week intensive program.

Cohort 1 launches this fall. Since it’s the pilot version, I’ll be running it at a discounted price and capping it at 15 seats.

There will be a heavy emphasis on live coaching, workshopping, discussion, peer feedback, and accountability —everything you need to launch your niche brand at the end of the 4 weeks.

If you’re interested, you can read the full description and join the waitlist here.

(Don’t take my word for it. My past clients are excited about it too):

1–1 Coaching: Packages and Standing Relationships

I also have three 1–1 coaching slots opening up this fall.

The bulk of my 1–1 coaching happens in package form — meaning you come to me with a stated goal, and we set up a custom package (number of sessions and intended outcome) to help you attain that goal.

I also work with select clients on a more fluid basis — you’re looking for a more general 1–1 performance coach, and we work together to tackle a number of smaller challenges or objectives.

The goal is always to help you level up your performance, get out of your own way, and systematically work through and address all of the challenges impeding you from hitting your goals.

1–1 coaching is some of my favorite work, and I’m excited to have the availability to take on new clients.

All of my coaching relationships start with a free introductory call. If you’re interested in working with me, please send me a Twitter DM.

What some of my past clients have said:

Hannah’s coaching is truly one of a kind. Change can be scary to say the very least. Hannah has a special gift that allows her to hold others accountable while being empathetic of the difficulties or roadblocks that are quite common on the road to success. Her coaching has allowed me to breakthrough limiting beliefs, tackle my goals headfirst, but more importantly, gave me the confidence to invest and go all in on myself and my personal development. — Ljupco Stojanovski, Account Executive and Podcast Host

And this:

“I’ve worked with Hannah off and on for almost four years now, and I’m consistently blown away by her ability to ask you out-of-the-box questions to help lead to and create breakthroughs! She brings energy, curiosity, and passion to your interactions and isn’t afraid to call your crap and hold you accountable! Working with Hannah was the exact kick in the butt I needed to leave my full-time job and start a marketing company. Honestly, I haven’t looked back since.” — Randalyn Hill, founder of

And always — if you have any additional questions, feel free to send me a Twitter DM. I’m always happy to hear from you!



Hannah Frankman

Career development + performance coach. I help solopreneurs find and own niches on the internet. Follow me at and